April 30, 2007

Tubular fugging bells

I took the bells off da boys' collars the other day. They were getting right on my last nerve. Especially when da boys were sitting around scratching. And Ripley is a pacer. That cat can't sit still for 5 minutes, especially when he's waiting for me to haul my ass downstairs to serve his royal breakfast.

Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle... jingle, jingle, jingle... jingle, jingle... jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle...


There is no worse sound at 7 am when you're trying to squeeze a few extra ZZZs in before getting up. Now they only have their dog tags to tinkle just a little bit. This I can live with. And my eye has lost it's twitch.

So now they can pounce on each other with more stealth than before. Which is one of my favorite pastimes - watching them rabbit kick the crap out of each other, biting each other's throats, etc. It's better than TV.

It's also one of the reasons I keep my camera at arm's reach ...to capture precious moments like these:


Jasmine said...

Denko has been trying to solve our phone woes over the past few days and keeps phoning our home number. He's trying to get the answering machine to work, rather than the stupid mail box which phones you when you have had a call, and keeps phoning until you hit the proper button combo--never achieved as it is all in German--suffice to say the bloody thing won't stop ringing and I too am developing quite an eye-twitch.

Ion Ziering!!!!! For shame Hazel!!!

hazel said...

And the bells continue to toll. Good luck with the phone system!