May 10, 2008

What a nut job

[Did I not post this already?? Apparently I forgot to. It's old now, but the videos are still hilarious]

If you haven't seen the Tom Cruise video, you HAVE to watch it because it's so bizarre you'll think these parodies are exaggerating. Scarily enough they are not.

My Stitch n' Bitch friends brought these to my attention.

Tom Cruise's Scientology Video from The Late Late Show

Jerry O'Connell In Tom Cruise Video Spoof


Tanya said...

I agree... a special kind of crazy!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing, thank you!!!

Do you really go to stitch and bitch???

hazel said...

Yes I do! Not as frequently as I would like though.

Anonymous said...

That is the wierdest, freakiest thing!

SOMEBODY does have acting skills - (and it ain't Tom.)